Logical Witch, Chapter 1
Back at home, Kaede came out to greet him, looking sleepy. Sakuta quickly explained the situation. He avoided mentioning Adolescence Syndrome but had to convince her to let Mai and Rio stay over.
"You brought yet another new girl over..."
"Phrasing, please."
"B-but I'm your sister, so I accept that about you!"
Kaede was definitely nervous at first, but she stopped being afraid of Rio pretty quickly. Rio's low-key calm may have helped. And Mai had come over often enough that Kaede was used to her, which probably played a big part as well.
With Kaede on board, they just had to decide the order for baths. Kaede had already taken hers, so they had to figure it out for the remaining three.
"I'll go last,"
he said, purely out of the kindness of his heart. Mai and Rio both looked disgusted.
"I might get pregnant."
"How would that work, Mai?"
"I'm going to take my luggage home and take a bath there. I'll pick up a change of clothes while I'm at it."
And with that, Mai left.
"So go on ahead, Azusagawa."
"Ah, I get it. You think I'm a pervert who gets off on used schoolgirl bathwater."
He decided this wasn't a fight worth having and took his bath first.
When he emerged ten minutes later, he found Rio sitting quietly in the living room like a borrowed cat. She took her turn with the bath.
A few minutes later, he realized he'd forgotten to fetch an extra towel for her. He grabbed a clean one from the laundry and took it to the changing room.
Rio was already in the bathroom, and from just beyond the single door separating them, the warmth of the steam could be felt.
he called. There was a splash.
She sounded unusually flustered. Her voice cracked. Like she'd jumped into the water to hide. Did she think he'd actually open the door? No trust.
"I brought you a towel."
"You have a change of clothes?"
There had been a large tote bag among her belongings they'd collected from the Internet café.
"Well, if you don't, I could loan you a bunny-girl outfit or some panda pajamas."
"I just said I do."
He'd figured the bunny-girl outfit wasn't in the cards, but Kaede had several extra panda pajamas, and he definitely wanted to see her in one if he could manage.
"Should I wash the clothes you had on?"
Sakuta and Kaede's laundry was already in the washing machine. He threw Rio's T-shirt in with them and hit the switch.
Water rushed in, and the washing machine began feverishly doing its job.
"I can do my own-Wwt?"
"It's filling up."
"E-even my underwear?"
「ん? 双葉ってお父さんのパンツと一緒に洗濯してほしくない派だったのか」
"Mm? Are you one of those girls who don't want their laundry in the same load as Daddy's underwear?"
Unfortunately, Sakuta's underwear was in that load, too.
"I'm asking about my underwear!"
「ちゃんと手洗いすればいいんだろ? わかってる」
"You want me to wash them by hand, right? Got it."
The bra and panties she'd been wearing a few minutes before were in the laundry basket. Thin, soft-looking, light-yellow cloth. He reached for them.
「わかってない! 梓川は見るな! 触るな! 出て行け!」
"You don't got it! Don't look! Don't touch! Just get out!"
"This is my house."
"Get out of the changing room!"
"You sure you're okay?"
"I will be once you're gone!"
"Down we go."
He abandoned the idea of grabbing her underwear and settled on the ground, leaning his back against the washing machine.
"Why are you sitting down out there?"
"By okay, I meant the Adolescence Syndrome."
He was pretty sure she'd gotten that.
Her silence was a sign he was right.
"…I dunno," she said after a while.
She sounded insecure. Reluctant to talk.
"That it?"
"What do you want me to say?"
"Just whatever's on your mind."
It wasn't happening to him, and even he was upset by it. There had to be something on her mind.
"I'm a little scared,"
she said. He could hear her shifting in the water.
"Just a little?"
"When I was alone at the Internet café, I was really scared."
There was a quiver in her voice as she remembered it.
There were two of her.
That was a kind of fear nobody else had ever experienced. How could she not be terrified?
「けどさ、こんなことってあり得るのか? ひとりの人間がふたり存在するなんてさ」
"But is this even possible? How can there be two of the same person?"
Sakuta remembered there being a popular urban legend along those lines when he was a kid. Stories about doppelgängers who looked just like you. If you ever met them, you'd die—pretty much your archetypal urban legend.
But the current situation made that seem a lot less funny.
"If quantum teleportation is feasible on a macro level, it might be possible."
"Every time you say the word quantum, my face goes numb."
"What about teleportation?"
"That belongs in sci-fi movies."
"I'm talking about the real world."
In his mind, teleportation was 100 percent in the realm of fiction.
"We've talked about quantum entanglement before, right?"
"Uh, something about how particles in separate places sync up?"
He vaguely remembered that two particles in that state were able to share information instantaneously.
"Yes. If we interpret my current situation on the same basis as simply as possible... For example, we can assume there is a blueprint detailing my composition and construction."
"That's supposed to be simple?"
They'd only just reached the starting line, and already Sakuta was getting lost.
"The information in that blueprint is instantly moving to a different location under the principle of quantum entanglement."
"So even though you're in my bath right now, that information is being sent to the school?"
"Basically. Through the act of observation, the information composing the version of me at school is converted from a probabilistic existence into a Rio Futaba you're able to perceive."
"The Theory of Observation again."
"You remembered that? Impressive."
"We've been over it enough times."
In quantum terms, it was the act of observation that determined the locations of matter. Before observation, they only existed in terms of probability.. if he remembered right.
But his understanding of it was all surface level. He had no illusions that he truly knew what that all meant. And now that concept involved teleportation, somehow. As far as he was concerned, this was like being told magic is real.
"But the way you describe it, isn't it impossible for you both to exist simultaneously?"
It was called quantum teleportation, not duplication, after all.
"Right, but...I didn't explain that yet, so I'm shocked you got it."
「観測したあとは確率じゃないんだから、どっちにもいるってわけにはいかないんだろ? うちの風呂にいるときは、学校にはいない。そういう話だよな?」
"Once observed, it isn't probabilistic, but that doesn't mean you both exist. While you're in our bath, you aren't at the school. That's how it works, right?"
"Astonishing. You really do get it."
"I have a good teacher."
"Well, you're right. Moreover, I haven't personally seen the other me, either."
"So if you ask me if we exist simultaneously, I can't say we do or don't with any certainty. But I am sure there's some version of me that exists somewhere else and is doing different things. From the state of my room and my phone usage history, there was evidence of all sorts of changes and actions I haven't experienced."
"So as long as I'm observing you, the other Rio can't exist?"
"If the observer who gives me form is you, Azusagawa, then that is correct. Maybe the best way to describe it is... as long as one is being observed, that observer can't observe the other one."
「ん? よくわからん」
"Uh…..you lost me."
"I'm assuming there are multiple perspectives involved. Right now, for instance... Sakurajima went home, but what if she ran into the fake me outside?"
"If Sakurajima brought the fake back here, it's possible the fake she brought back would not exist in the world that you and I perceive. Meanwhile, in the world Sakurajima sees, I might not exist."
"..That's pretty nuts."
That was an understatement.
"Yes. And that would generate a paradox, since the worlds you and Sakurajima perceive would not match up."
"But when we met you at the Internet café, I was on the phone with the other you, even as you were standing right in front of me."
"Was it really me on the phone?"
That sounded significant.
"It was you."
"You're sure?"
"Well. it's not like I actually saw you."
"Which means we could say, 'It was someone extremely like me, but we can't be sure it was. There are elements of uncertainty where the 'me' on the phone is concerned."
"Is that how you could exist at the same time?"
"This is pure conjecture, and merely one possibility. The fact that I haven't encountered the fake might just be a coincidence. There is still the distinct possibility that other people could observe us both simultaneously."
"But ultimately, that means you can't just walk around, huh?"
It would be bad if anyone from Minegahara saw two Rios. That would be a lot to explain, and pretending they were twins might not cut it.
「あ、でも、その量子テレポーテーション? 双葉を構築する情報っていうのが同じなら、どっちで観測されて実体化したとしても、双葉の意識や記憶は一緒なんじゃないのか?」
"Uh, but wait, if this is quantum teleportation and the information you're made from is the same, then no matter which one of you assumes a physical state due to observation, wouldn't your consciousness and memories be identical?"
Only position was determined by observation. That shouldn't cause any change in the information that made up Rio Futaba. If they were operating with different minds and memories, didn't that imply there were two distinct beings, each calling themselves Rio Futaba?
"This is just a hypothesis..," Rio said and then broke off
In the silence that followed, the washing machine sounded very loud.
he asked.
"If I... If the one observing 'Rio Futaba' was myself... If it was my consciousness observing me and there was some reason why there were two of us, then that might explain the current situation."
"Like.....two personalities?"
"I don't think it's that clearly differentiated."
"Well, assuming you're right…..why would that happen?"
"I said I don't have any idea."
"Like...some sort of a shock, or a major source of stress?"
"You sure seem to have something in mind. To be fair, I've also heard things like that can interfere with your mind and memories."
Sakuta had witnessed something similar two years ago. The enormous stress that resulted from Kaede's bullying had taken its toll on someone close to him.
"Yeah, bit of history there..."
..Your mother?"
Rio clearly hesitated before asking. He'd told her his mother hadn't taken the incident well and had been in the hospital ever since.
"It's fine. I brought it up."
"Mm... So, Azusagawa..."
"I'a like to get out now. I'm feeling light-headed."
Sakuta said, except he didn't move.
"I'm telling you to get out,"
she growled. Her voice echoed through the bathroom, doubling the grump. Sakuta stood up.
"I'll leave, but you can stay here as long as you need to."
"Don't worry about it."
That fact that she didn't just say "Thanks" was very Rio, he thought. He left the changing room and closed the door behind him.
As he did, the intercom buzzed. Mai was back.
Once Rio was out of the bath, it was time to discuss who was sleeping where.
Sakuta and Kaede lived in a two-bedroom apartment. There were only the two beds—one in Sakuta's room, and one in Kaede's. They had a set of extra bedding in case of company, so there was enough for three people.
"Then I think Mai and Futaba should use your room, and you should sleep with me."
He rejected Kaede's proposal out of hand. In the end, Kaede slept in her own room, Mai and Rio took over Sakuta's room with the extra futon, and Sakuta was left sprawled out in the living room. This was the logical conclusion-and pretty much the only practical choice they had.
"Good night."
The doors to both rooms closed; Sakuta turned off the living room lights and hunkered down in the space in front of the TV.
The LED lights on the ceiling were still glowing faintly. He could hear the hum of the refrigerator in the silence.
He closed his eyes but didn't fall asleep.
After a while, he heard a door open. Based on where the sound came from, it was likely the one that led to his room.
He assumed the footsteps were headed for the toilet, but they came toward the living room and stopped next to him.
Then he heard someone lie down.
Rio would definitely never do this. So he assumed it must be Mai, and he opened his eyes.
Lying on her side right in front of him was, indeed, Mai with her lovely face. Even in the dim light, he could clearly make out the shape of it, and she seemed like she was enjoying herself.
She even sounded like she was having fun.
"What are you doing?"
"Looking at your face."
"I know that, but..."
"Looking at my boyfriend's face, then."
That was hardly fair. His heart was racing now. How would he ever sleep?
"Heart skip a beat?"
she asked, teasing him.
"You're having fun?"
"Of course I am. Not only do I get to spend time with you again, I'm staying over."
That was definitely an act. She was clearly messing with him. Then she looked displeased, and before he knew it, she'd reached out and pinched his nose.
"And Futaba?"
he asked, his voice muffled.
"Sound asleep. It's probably been a few days since she could sleep in peace, I imagine."
Sleeping in an Internet café would fry any girl's nerves. And Rio tended to stress that stuff more than most.
"I'm right in front of you, but you're thinking about Futaba."
"You seemed like you were mad, so I thought it would be safer to talk about something serious."
In the process, he ended up stepping on another land mine, though.
"And to think I took the whole day off tomorrow. All so we could actually have a date."
she said, turning away from him. She let go of his nose.
"Is that why you came back early?"
Mai neither confirmed nor denied this. She just shot him a disgruntled look. That convinced Sakuta that he was right.
"Wait, why are you wording it like we can't anymore?"
"Because you'll be looking into the thing with Futaba."
Mai had a point.
"I mean, the 'fake' will probably be at the Science Club tomorrow, so yeah, I was gonna drop in on her."
There was no point trying to hide it. Nothing could start without verifying if there were two Rio Futabas or not.
"See? I knew it."
"Actually, about that. I have a favor to ask you."
she said, before he could even finish asking.
"You just want me to watch the 'real' Futaba while you're visiting the 'fake' one, right?"
"You know me well."
The quickest way to check would be to have the real Rio come to school and stand next to the fake one, but that was risky. If someone else spotted them together, it could turn out badly. Cause a panic.
Rio's hypothesis also suggested it was impossible to see them both at once.
Plus, he was a little worried about the doppelgänger legend. All in all, it was probably best to keep the two Rios separate until they knew more.
"Don't sound so pleased,"
Mai said, twisting his cheek.
"Ow, ow."
"Don't sound so pleased," she said.
"But can you help?"
Mai wordlessly let go of his cheek, glaring.
"Then my debt to you is canceled."
"You mean...the one for ignoring me for weeks?"
"This fulfills that obligation."
"If you help me here, I'll do anything you like. So I'd prefer you pay me back as promised."
"I'm already lying on the floor with you."
"I was hoping it would be something more French."
Mai looked exasperated.
"Was that too roundabout?"
Of course not. Mai was acting that way precisely because she knew exactly what he meant. Lying this close to each other, French could only mean French kissing.
"You don't need to leverage a debt for that. Choose the right time, place, and mood, and I might just let you."
There was an impish look in her eye for most of this, but toward the end, she got embarrassed and looked away.
She steeled herself and met his eye again.
Was that a signal to go ahead? He thought it was. Even if it wasn't, she'd only yell at him for it. And by this point, he considered that its own reward, so why hesitate?
Their eyes locked together.
One second. Two. Three seconds passed, and Mai's eyelashes fluttered, her eyes closing.
Sakuta leaned in to kiss her. Just as he did, Mai tilted her head downward, looking flustered. This meant their foreheads bumped before their lips could touch. There was a dull thunk.
"That hurt,"
she said, glaring at him.
"Because you got all embarrassed and looked down."
"B-because you came on too strong!"
She sat up.
"That's enough for today."
He couldn't make out her expression well in the dark, but he was pretty sure she was blushing.
Putting things on hold when they'd come this far? Downright painful.
"Because you're terrible at this."
"Ugh, that hurts! I've lost all confidence! I'm scared of women now!"
"That'll never happen."
She seemed awfully certain.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I'll let you practice as much as you need until you can do it properly."
"What? You don't want to?"
"I love you so much."
"I know."
She sounded annoyed, but before she turned away, he caught a smile on her lips.
she said and stood up.
"Good night."
Mai waved to him as she went back to his room. When he heard the door close, Sakuta shut his eyes.
He still couldn't sleep. Everything Mai had said and done had left him far too worked up.
But that wasn't the only thing on his mind.
He kept thinking about Rio. The Rio who'd given him advice that afternoon. The Rio asleep in his bedroom. The two Rios.
The Rio sleeping in his bedroom had called the other one a "fake." If he'd been able to accept that, maybe this wouldn't be so upsetting.
But Sakuta had his own take on the matter.
They're both Rio Futaba.
If only one was real, they just had to get rid of the fake. But this didn't feel that simple. And that was keeping him awake.
Still…..even if both of them were real, having two of them was a problem. Her family, their school, and the world they lived in were not prepared to accept two Rio Futabas. That reality was only too palpable.
So how could he calm down?
"Argh, dammit! Only cure is to think about Mai's bunny-girl outfit!"